The Oregon Hispanic Bar Association is pleased to announce that it will award the 2010 Paul J. De Muniz Professionalism Award to Kathryn Villa-Smith, a shareholder at Gevurtz Menashe specializing in family law, in recognition of her significant contributions to Oregon's Latino Community. Daniel Santos, Senior Policy Advisor to Governor Kulongoski and OHBA's 2009 honoree, will present the award at the Fourth Annual Award Dinner on February 26, 2010 at the Hilton Hotel in Portland,Oregon. Our featured speaker at the event will be Joaquin Avila, Seattle University's School of Law's Distinguished Practitioner in Residence and Director of the National Voting Rights Advocacy Initiative. Mr. Avila is a nationally recognized expert on Latino voting rights.The Oregon Hispanic Bar Association (OHBA) represents the voice of Latinos in Oregon's legal community. OHBA seeks to encourage Latinos to become attorneys, retain Latino legal professionals, raise awareness of Latino legal issues, and support Latino law students and legal professionals. Learn more about the OHBA at our website,

Photo below: Kathryn's Gevurtz Menashe 'cheering section', (from left to right) Shareholder Saville Easley, Shareholder Ruth Pekelder, Associate Steve Brown, Brenna Tanzosh's hubby, Associate Brenna Tanzosh, and Associate Paige De Muniz.