

Helping Oregon & Washington Families through Challenging Times

Modifications Made Easier with Gevurtz Menashe

Life and families are constantly changing. It's not surprising, then, that an arrangement made in the past may no longer fit your situation today.

At Gevurtz Menashe, we've seen this countless times in our 40-plus years of practice in the Vancouver-Portland metro area. Settlement modifications — especially child custody modifications — are an area of family law with which we have deep experience. That’s why so many families come to us seeking help with updating their outdated contracts.

Your family deserves the best representation. Let us help you get the necessary modifications to ensure that you have the optimal support and parenting plans to meet your current needs.


Modify Court Orders More Effortlessly

When you work with us, we do all the heavy lifting. Your talented and dedicated legal team will handle all the details and provide timely and expert advice. This helps ensure the best possible outcomes for you and your family.

Future-Proofing Family Law

It’s by design that family law provides for most judgments to be updated and altered. The courts understand that settlements are made based on a snapshot of time — and that the picture may look very different down the line. As such, support, child custody, and visitation or parenting time may be adjusted at a later date if the future circumstances justify modification.

Common Kinds of Modifications

Child Support Modifications

Adjustments to an existing child support agreement can be made when a parent's financial circumstances change. Some modifications include additional expenses in the support agreement such as healthcare costs or including provisions for college tuition in the agreement.

Child Custody Modifications

Changes made to a custody agreement can help ensure that the child is in a safe and nurturing environment. Common modifications include: adjusting visitation rights because one parent relocated or changing the supervisory requirements for parenting time.

Spousal Support Modifications

Hardship, illness, and change in circumstances can all spur changes to an existing spousal support agreement. Common modifications include updating the amount of support to address additional expenses or adjusting the length of time for which the support will be provided.


How We Help Modify Child Support, Custody & Visitation

Either or both parties can call for a modification in a legal arrangement. This is an ideal moment to consult with a family lawyer. Your attorney will ensure the resulting settlement is completed properly so everyone is protected — especially the children.

When it is time to take action, we can file your motion to modify the existing agreement with the court. We follow your case end-to-end, working tirelessly to ensure that your children receive the appropriate amount of support and a suitable parenting plan.

To make modifications, an evaluation of finances, parenting, and other factors is done. Based on the assessment and requested changes, the two parents negotiate and reach a revised agreement. A court order is needed to finalize the change.

Why Choose Gevurtz Menashe?

Commitment to Excellence

Over 40 years in business means repeated proof of our dedication to clients and winning. We put in the hard work to achieve the best possible results for you.

Processes & Resources

Our holistic and detail-oriented approach ensures nothing gets undone or overlooked. Our knowledge and tools ensure efficiency and accuracy. It’s a system for success!

Care & Attention

When you work with us, you become part of our extended family. You’ll get answers to your questions, expert advice, and the support you need from beginning to end.


“As an attorney/mediator in private practice in Portland, Oregon for over 20 years, I have facilitated numerous family law mediations with attorneys from the Gevurtz Menashe firm and their clients. I can always count on the Gevurtz Menashe attorneys to be well-prepared, professional and strong advocates for their clients in the settlement process. To a one, the attorneys bring strong skills, common sense and the desire to do the best for their clients, not only in litigation, but in negotiations that lead to appropriate settlements and avoid unnecessary litigation and the costs of trial.”
-Ingrid Slezak


Meet Your Guardianship of Minors Lawyers

Frequently Asked Questions

To modify a child custody agreement, file a petition with the court, provide evidence, involve the other parent, and obtain a judge's approval. Keep copies of all documents and follow up with the court.

Yes, it's possible to pursue child support without requesting a change in your custody arrangement. However, you'll still need to go through all the proper legal channels and procedures.

Past actions — like parental absence or neglect — could influence the outcome of a revised custody arrangement. An experienced attorney can provide invaluable guidance on how best to approach a child custody modification in order to ensure that your parental rights are respected.

Our Locations



Yamhill/Carlton Office

Beaverton Office

A Change for the Better, Gevurtz Menashe Modification Lawyers

If it’s time to change the parenting and support provisions of your judgment or amend your estate planning documents, we can help. Our knowledgeable attorneys and staff have been serving clients like you for over three decades. Contact us today at our Portland (503-227-1515) or Vancouver (360-823-0410) office to start exploring your options.