It’s by design that family law provides for most judgments to be updated and altered. The courts understand that settlements are made based on a snapshot of time — and that the picture may look very different down the line. As such, support, child custody, and visitation or parenting time may be adjusted at a later date if the future circumstances justify modification.
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To modify a child custody agreement, file a petition with the court, provide evidence, involve the other parent, and obtain a judge's approval. Keep copies of all documents and follow up with the court.
Yes, it's possible to pursue child support without requesting a change in your custody arrangement. However, you'll still need to go through all the proper legal channels and procedures.
Past actions — like parental absence or neglect — could influence the outcome of a revised custody arrangement. An experienced attorney can provide invaluable guidance on how best to approach a child custody modification in order to ensure that your parental rights are respected.