October 30, 2014
October 28, 2014
We are proud to announce that our friend and colleague, Kathryn Smith Root, received the 2014 Oregon Women Lawyers' Katherine H. O'Neil Volunteer Service Award. Kathy is a true and dedicated leader who has devoted her professional career to assisting others.
Whether a divorce was amicable, angry, or somewhere in between, divorced parents can face extra challenges when trying to help their college-bound children apply for financial aid.
September 29, 2014
Each year, Avvo.com presents a few lawyers with its "Clients' Choice" Award, based on both the quantity and quality of client online reviews that the attorney receives. Congratulations to family law attorney and our Managing Shareholder, Shawn Menashe as a 2014 recipient of the Avvo.com
September 18, 2014
If you are going through a divorce and own a home, chances are you are trying to decide what to do with the house. There are several things to think about when making this decision which can have immediate, as well as long-term, effects.
September 2, 2014
Mark Johnson Roberts, Family Law, Of Counsel and John Christianson, Estate Planning, Of Counsel, author, "Ten Questions to Consider before Marrying"
August 21, 2014
August 11, 2014
August 7, 2014
On June 14th Team Gevurtz Menashe joined dozens of other members of the Oregon legal community to support St. Andrew Legal Clinic. This year's 14th annual Race For Justice raised more than $125,000 to help meet the legal needs of low and moderate income people with family law concerns.
Traveling has become one of the most difficult challenges facing today's "modern family" particularly when it comes to families of divorce. Have you updated your estate plan?