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Father's Rights, Child Custody & the Law - Essentials to Know

Father's Rights, Child Custody & the Law - Essentials to Know

A father's presence and participation in his kids’ lives is unique and powerful. It directly impacts the well-being and upbringing of the children involved. As such, the importance of recognizing and advocating for father's rights in child custody cases cannot be overstated. 


Fathers seeking custody of their children need to understand the legal intricacies surrounding their cases. The best way to do this — and help ensure fair and just outcomes — is to work with an experienced attorney who can help dads navigate the complexities of family court.


In this post, we'll:

  • Discuss the challenges many fathers face in custody disputes

  • Shed light on the societal and legal factors that contribute to these challenges

  • Provide practical insights and solutions for fathers striving to assert their rights in the best interest of their children.

Understanding Father's Rights in Child Custody Cases

statues of father and child next to a gavel

According to the law, fathers have a range of parental rights that entitle them to participate in their children's lives. The legal system provides a pathway for fathers to assert their rights in child custody cases.

What Rights Can Dads Claim?

First and foremost, fathers have the right to seek custody of their children. This means that they have the legal grounds to petition for physical custody, legal custody, or visitation rights. Depending on the circumstances, the kids' primary guardian and caregiver may be their dad.


Dads also have the right to be actively involved in making key decisions about how and where their children will be raised. This includes matters related to residency, education, healthcare, and other significant aspects of their kids' lives. This can get a little tricky when dads have joint legal custody or visitation rights, but it's still their right to take part in the decision-making process.


It may seem like we're stating the obvious, but it's worth emphasizing that dads have the right to a fair and unbiased legal experience when it comes to their child custody cases. They should be allowed to present their cases and provide evidence supporting their parenting capabilities.

Paternity Matters

It’s worth noting that the extent of a father’s rights hinges on their paternity. Dads without established paternity won’t have as many rights.


In Oregon and Washington, paternity can be demonstrated in a few ways:

  • Marriage to the mother when a child is born

  • A Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity (VAP)

  • DNA test results

Factors Considered in Child Custody Cases

Family courts are mandated to do what's in the best interest of the children. Because of this, they have to evaluate each custody case based on a number of different dimensions.

So Many Variables

Among the many factors the court might consider when determining custody arrangements are:

  • Proof of paternity

  • Childrens' age

  • Everyone’s physical and mental health

  • History of domestic violence, substance abuse, or neglect by either parent

  • Ability of each parent to provide for the children's physical and emotional needs

  • Parents' abilities to provide a safe, stable, and supportive home environment

  • Children's current and past relationship with each parent

  • Each parent’s willingness to enable and encourage an enduring relationship between the children and the other parent

  • Children's own preferences (depending on their ages and maturity)

Proving Paternal Merit

That's a lot of different angles to cover. Still, though, dads need to present themselves as capable caregivers who'll be actively and responsibly engaged in their children's lives.

In pursuit of determining the optimal arrangement for the children, courts will pay attention to things like a father's:

  • Understanding of and ability to provide for his children's needs

  • Level of participation in his kids' daily care, education, and extracurricular activities

  • Record of consistently providing emotional support 

  • Ability to communicate effectively with his children

  • Commitment to fostering a nurturing relationship with his kids

  • Openness to co-parenting in a cooperative and respectful manner

  • Demonstrated a history of responsible decision-making

  • Willingness to prioritize his children's well-being

Busting Myths that Harm Exercising Father’s Rights

Certain misconceptions and stereotypes about the parenting abilities of fathers exist and persist. While there's no wholesale truth to these common myths, they can influence the process and outcomes in child custody cases.


For example, it's often believed that, compared to mothers, fathers:

  • Can't provide as high-quality of child care

  • Are less interested in being actively involved in their children's lives

  • Are less nurturing and supportive of their kids

  • Don’t have as meaningful of relationships with their children


While research suggests that these characterizations are false, they can still impact the way fathers are perceived in child custody cases. This means that dads may be at a disadvantage, having to challenge these societal biases in the legal system and beyond.


Maintaining these assumptions can lead to unfair outcomes in child custody cases. By acknowledging these myths and how they could skew matters, they can be neutralized. Setting the record straight — that dads can parent differently but just as well as moms — can help ensure fathers' rights aren't unjustly denied and that kids get the best possible custody arrangements.

Legal Steps for Fathers Seeking Custody

father carrying daughter in the fields being really happy

To get custody in Oregon or Washington, fathers must follow specific legal processes. Here are some steps along the way:

  1. Get Familiar with Governing Laws. Each state has its own set of rules and factors that can affect custody decisions. Fathers should start learning about the specific laws and regulations regarding child custody in the state where they and the children reside.

  2. Find Legal Representation. Hiring skilled and knowledgeable legal representation from an Oregon- or Washington-based family law firm is a smart idea. It will have attorneys who specialize in custody cases and can provide valuable guidance on the legal procedures, help fathers understand their rights, and assist in building a strong case for custody.

  3. Build the Father's Case. Dads should gather relevant documentation and evidence to support their case for custody. This could include records detailing the children's living situation, school files, medical reports, and validation of the father's participation in the children's lives.

  4. File for Custody. The father's attorney will petition the court for child custody. This is usually done in the state where the children are living. Depending on the circumstances, dads may need to file for divorce, legal separation, or paternity before pursuing custody.

  5. Do Mediation. In both Oregon and Washington, courts often require (or strongly urge) parents to attempt mediation before moving to a custody trial.

  6. Go to Trial. If mediation doesn't result in a custody arrangement, a court hearing may be required. This involves presenting evidence, witness testimony, and legal arguments to support the father’s case for custody. Dads should work closely with their attorneys to prepare for these hearings and ensure that their case is convincing and compelling.

  7. Implement the Custody Plan. Once an agreement is reached — either through mediation or a judge's order — it has to be enacted. The father will need to adhere to the final custody and parenting plans. Failure to comply can lead to court-imposed enforcement.

Support for Fathers Pursuing Custody

Child custody battles can be exhausting and emotionally taxing. Plus, ensuring that a father's rights are equitably observed can feel like an uphill journey.


Fortunately, numerous resources are available to guide and support dads during this process. 


A reputable family law attorney, like Gevurtz Menashe, who specializes in father’s rights is always going to top the list. They’re uniquely qualified to advise dads and act on their behalf in custody cases. With a solid background in the law, they can help protect and leverage a father’s rights throughout the custody process.


Here are some resources to consider in addition to a talented lawyer:

  • Counseling and therapy

  • Support hotlines

  • Family and friends

  • Faith- and community-based organizations

Father's Rights, in the Best Interests of Children

Dads are important and irreplaceable. Their presence and involvement can shape and improve their kids' lives in ways mothers can’t. That's why knowing paternal rights in child custody cases is crucial.

Understanding the complexities of the legal system, challenging societal biases, and presenting a compelling case are musts for dads seeking custody. Working with an experienced family law attorney who's versed in father's rights in child custody cases can increase your chances for a fair process and more successful outcomes for children and parents.

Questions? Send us a message or schedule a consultation with a family law paternity lawyer today!